Torsion Fields vs Quantum Tesselation Fields

. Is the trodden path the only one?

If you search for Quantum percolation fields, quantum fields, tessellated energy paths, or other similar things on the internet you will find little or nothing. The reason is that such terms are my own, and so you won’t find them outside of my sites generally. I have developed my own lexicon for describing the universe, and in particular the flow of energy through it.

When in Rome, speak like the Romans, and then they will understand. Today many Romans know English, so perhaps the old saying has less merit. However; I am today going to put some of my terminology on a footing with the Romans, so as to enlighten them (or not) based upon my musings here on this site. It’s mostly opinion that I share here, because a retired computer programmer does not have fincances for CERN type operations.

The closest thing that may be found, that relates in some ways to my theory of physics, is shown in the alternative physics lore as torsion fields, torsion field energy, and so forth. This realm of alternative physics is considered by the mainstream to be entirely bogus. Of course they would say the same about my own hobby-level postulations, put forth on these pages. So be it. Most great ideas were rejected forcefully in the early going, in science and in other endeavors.

The Torsion people do exactly as the mainstream physicists do, and that is to describe what they have found, experimentally or in thought experiments, and in the case of the latter, the mathematics that has been formulated to describe it. This seems reasonable, except in the cases where the requirement for existing experiment precludes the discovery of WHY a particular thing happens. On these pages, I mostly concentrate on the WHY portions of the problems of physics.

So torsion folks ( and for that matter regular physicists) – talk about energy, and its flow without ever describing, or suggesting experiment for, the determination of why energy flows the way it flows, and exactly what it is that they try to model the actions of – in their mathematics.

My theory talks about energy and its flow, but also adds ideas for what it is, and why it flows the way it does. My theories mimic the way that crystallography defines the action of energy, but extends it from matter into the space surrounding matter. My theories also give reason for basic atomic level (quantum level) interactions such as the quantum leap, and quantum entanglement. Additionally, my theories develop a relationship between the structure of the universe, as decribed by the theory, and known things such as electric and magnetic fields.

All energy flow is naturally continuous and longitudinal, although that longitudinal force may give rise to a transverse oscillation (of longitudinal force). This is what, perhaps, Tesla missed in his theory about energy. Such seemingly discontinuous things like quantum leaps are not caused by actual changes in the continuity, but rather by changes in the VELOCITY. The velocity change is driven by the mode of propagation of energy, either in a self-assembling mode, or in an elastic transit mode covering a previously assembled path.

Newtonian physics defines macro world things quite well. It falls down at quantum levels for two reasons. First, the quantum level adds the constriction of a box within all actions must occur. Secondly, because the artifacts of quantum actions are generally less than or equal to a wavelength of energy, the percolation forces become more important relative to secondary force moment movements like oscillating electron orbitals. However; the breakdown of Newtonian physics is just an illusion, brought about by the fact that current physics looks only at the waves, and not their constituents. Each arc of a constituent force within the indivdual orbits is very Newtonian, if only the appropriate speed differentials and crytallographically defined medium facets are taken into account. Thus, quantum theory is classical theory with fixes for a lack of understanding of the way energy really propagates.

Within an atom or molecule there are concentrations of energy, and these concentrations lead to bonding forces with specific angles, and these angles are described by crystallography. This concentration of energy within atoms and molecules gives rise to built-paths that never suffer sufficient decay to reach the maximum of the latency of the medium. Thus, energy in such orbits is “self entangled” – and this entanglement gives rise to the quantum leap.

The observed actions of entangled energy pairs or object energy pairs is almost entirely spin action. This spin action seems to be relatively independent of the orbital energy action. That is because, the spin action is caused by the overall magnetic force applied to the electron or photon. The magnetic force causes the spin, and very little is directly attributable to the transverse wave of the oscillating electron. This is the divide between percolative force on a built path, and the force on latency-expired transverse paths. As stated before, the concentration of energy in orbitals promotes the traversal of energy across previously built paths. Tunneling is nothing more than entanglement over a built path at the center of tessellation of the field. This field is the field built by the self assembling medium as energy transits it, and is the magnetic force.

So, there are two, somewhat independently operating forces within the atom – there is the oscillating transverse energy (made of longitudinal force) of the electron as it orbits, and the angular force of the spin of that same electron. Within a molecule these forces combine and create geometries with maximum overlapping potential, a bonding force. (reference theory of maxium overlapping / physcial chemistry).

The torsion field people are talking about what happens at the innermost region of the tessellated self-assembling energy path – the portion that connects two quantum objects together with angular momentum synchronization. This syncronization happens at roughly 10,000 * C, which is too fast for conventional equipment to recognize, except at the quantum object endpoints, where a result may be found various ways, including what is called wave function collapse. This wave function collapse describes what is happening inside of a mass that has been affected by propagating (free space) flowing energy. The torsion people don’t know about or talk about anything but the end result. In this paragraph I have added the neccessary details surrounding the WHY question that so-called torsion fields should ellicit.

To be repetitive, the fast speed of light (10,000 * C) is the result of the flow of energy across a previously built path whose latency has not expired. When latency expires, the quantum speed connection will cease to operate. Subsequently, a new built-path must be created at the slow speed of light, which has slowness that is dictated by the rate of self assembly of the medium.

Note: the author is a writer on technical subjects in some areas, of novels, and of other literature, but does not have any formal credentials related to the medical field, or in physics.  Thus, this all constitutes an opinion of what might be possible, based on his own hobby-level knowledge quests.

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